Why don't they move?

Anything and everything Dabbling Ducks.

Why don't they move?

Postby Ricky Spanish » Thu Apr 13, 2023 9:05 am

Back when I first started hunting ducks and anything in general it was around 1974. Big deal.
At that time every square inch of ground was plowed under each fall so the ducks had not much choice but to migrate south.
Today right now there is grain scattered all over the ground. No-till.
A duck or goose no longer has to go way the hell south to survive winter. THATS OVER!
It's up to us to adapt.
Sounds easy but to be in the ducks these days you need to be at the snowline. Every once in a while the snow line is in Arkansas but don't count on it.
If it gets icy at big lake I'm suddenly in the mallards big time but can't plan for it. Then just like that they're gone.

It just happens.
I'm not set up to hunt the snow line that takes negotiating skills and money.

The good old days are over all we get are the crumbs that fall off the table now.

Ducks are hiding in residential neighborhoods with HOA's and they feed the ducks at the pond.
We're up against that. Admitting.it or proving it ain't my job. It stinks but here we are.
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Ricky Spanish
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Re: Why don't they move?

Postby Anotherone » Thu Apr 13, 2023 9:09 am

Yeah the good times done packed up and headed outta town. I plan on killing every woodie and hoodie around my blind just so no other lying duck hunter does.

Re: Why don't they move?

Postby Ricky Spanish » Thu Apr 13, 2023 9:20 am

Anotherone wrote:Yeah the good times done packed up and headed outta town. I plan on killing every woodie and hoodie around my blind just so no other lying duck hunter does.

That's the right attitude...fuck they couch.
Must hate all other duck hunters with extreme prejudice.
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Ricky Spanish
Posts: 4389
Joined: Mon Nov 09, 2020 8:01 am

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