
Place for general and off topic Waterfowl talk.


Postby PorkChop » Wed Aug 30, 2023 6:32 pm

Well after years of wanting a barrel camera I decided to take the plunge and bought a shotkam. Any of you guys using one? Any tips or suggestions?

Not too much to report here. Still have not made it out for early season honkers. I have been watching a few fields but I have also been helping a farmer so doing two jobs and only getting four or so hours of sleep Hunting has not been the priority. Our dove season opens up on Friday. I have a couple spots lined up but once again it will depend on if time allows. We are supposed to maybe get some rain tonight so that would put the harvest off for a day or two. If that happens I will try to get out tomorrow afternoon. Also battling a hernia. If it’s not one thing it’s another ha ha but so far the pain has not been as bad as the hip. Either way I guess the only fix will be surgery at some point. Also had a colonoscopy today. Four polyps but not cancerous. Of course I will have to wait for the official report on that one.
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Re: ShotKam

Postby Deltaman » Thu Aug 31, 2023 7:33 am

Ugh on the hernia PC!!!
I had one several years ago, had it repaired with mesh, and have been fine since. Gonna cramp your style until you get it done, so be yo ass careful and try not to strain it any worse.
Was my lucky year to have another Colonoscopy as well (my third) several weeks ago, and they've never not found a polyp or two. Sucks because from an insurance standpoint, it changes from preventative to diagnostic, and you get charged more! It's a racket I tell ya, damn insurance companies and how they bill. Anyway, a necessary evil, and one that can prevent a miserable death.
Hoping you get a break and can update us with a hunting report.........we be starvin' for it :lol:
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Re: ShotKam

Postby OGblackcloud » Thu Aug 31, 2023 8:11 am

I too just had a colonoscopy guess I'm the lucky one they said all good and clear we'll see you in 10 years I will say the prep is no fun . Hope all goes well with you PC
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