Hey OG

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Re: Hey OG

Postby OGblackcloud » Tue Jun 27, 2023 7:15 pm

looks good to me :beer:
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Re: Hey OG

Postby Ricky Spanish » Mon Jul 03, 2023 10:59 am

I guess turn it upside down for a while if you don't want the crud in it.
Wife says that if we would bottle raw honey right from the extractor people will pay extra to see the crud.
Crazy ain't it?

We were reminiscing to when we first got married.
My bee thing was very limited I only had a few boxes.
No honey supers so I'd take honey frames and extract them just so they wouldn't swarm hopefully. Put back empties.
Had no clue what I was doing but I'd pull like 4 or 8 full size deep frames. That's like 3 gallons. Spin it in an antique extractor from way way back and we'd eat it all.
Honey from brood combs..ew.
We didn't care or know any better.

It was almost 40 years ago. Got married in 85.
You get the good stuff. ;)

Saw and am ignoring the colored sugar water comment.
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Re: Hey OG

Postby Darren » Wed Jul 05, 2023 8:31 am

Former boss man had some hives producing gorgeous, dark honey from mostly pine forests and fruit trees he'd planted nearby. Rural Mississippi.

Then one day, they all just left.

He did fairly recently put up (last spring) a box on a tree in back yard of our office building and sure enough a swarm took to it, so guessing maybe they went up to his place to get his hives going again.
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Re: Hey OG

Postby Ricky Spanish » Wed Jul 05, 2023 9:31 am

Darren wrote:Former boss man had some hives producing gorgeous, dark honey from mostly pine forests and fruit trees he'd planted nearby. Rural Mississippi.

Then one day, they all just left.

He did fairly recently put up (last spring) a box on a tree in back yard of our office building and sure enough a swarm took to it, so guessing maybe they went up to his place to get his hives going again.

That's what beekeepers do.
An old dead hive is perfect to bait a swarm.
It happens with frequency too.
What happens is a swarm will find a tree and live there casting swarms every so often.
Look up the dirt rooster on YouTube.
He's down there I think.
Maybe Louisiana. Interesting guy.
His name is Randy I think.

Honey from the south is darker and you don't need to go far south. It's not bad at all just different.
Start eating local honey from your area and all that pollen won't bother you as much..it'll still be on the truck. :lol:
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Re: Hey OG

Postby Ricky Spanish » Wed Jul 05, 2023 9:42 am

The weather changed. We got a few inches of rain and my boxes are filling up again.
I'll have to do a second pull soon enough.
If it continues to rain my honey flow "can" go all summer but that's rare. I've had seasons where bees filled the supers 3 times. My living room is full of buckets and I'll have about 30 or 40 more.
I keep posting it and it is hard to believe it but the bees support themselves and my "other hobby" Duck hunting.
"Sweet Rewards" is Kelly Bees slogan.
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Re: Hey OG

Postby SpinnerMan » Wed Jul 05, 2023 9:46 am

Ricky Spanish wrote:Start eating local honey from your area and all that pollen won't bother you as much.

I have heard this and have never done it. I have so many freaking allergies, I don't know why I don't do this. Certainly worth a try to reduce all my allergy medicines and even possibly asthma, which I don't have too bad, but bad enough I have to take medicine.
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Re: Hey OG

Postby Ricky Spanish » Wed Jul 05, 2023 9:51 am

SpinnerMan wrote:
Ricky Spanish wrote:Start eating local honey from your area and all that pollen won't bother you as much.

I have heard this and have never done it. I have so many freaking allergies, I don't know why I don't do this. Certainly worth a try to reduce all my allergy medicines and even possibly asthma, which I don't have too bad, but bad enough I have to take medicine.

I don't know about asthma or even if I spelled it right. :lol: If allergies trigger it then for sure try raw local honey it should be easy for you there are big bee outfits up near you I'm sure. No kidding.
It won't hurt to try. Over and over I get testimonials from my customers plus it helped me just to be around bees and get stung.
Like waterfowling much beekeeping information is anecdotal. Not a lot of real science.

When you travel south does it bother you?
If so buy some local raw honey from where you go and eat it fir a month before you go. Might help. Try it for the science. :scooter:
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Re: Hey OG

Postby SpinnerMan » Wed Jul 05, 2023 10:56 am

Ricky Spanish wrote:When you travel south does it bother you?

It bothers me everywhere. Most times the day after it rains I get a headache. It's generally not as bad when I'm in Florida because we stay on the island of Clearwater beach so having ocean all around plus the time of year helps but far from eliminates. It's actually much worse up here because of all the ragweed and other things.

I once toured the National Ignition Facility. https://lasers.llnl.gov/about/what-is-nif This is an hyper clean facility. All air is extremely filtered and you wear head, show covers to try and keep dust to an absolute minimum. Any speck of dust that ends up on a mirror or lens burns into the glass and shortens the life of these very expensive items. After being in there for maybe 30 minutes, my sinuses cleared I could not believe how easy it was to breath through my nose. I need to live in there :thumbsup: It was wonderful to experience what normal people do if only briefly.

Ricky Spanish wrote:It won't hurt to try.
No it won't. Especially given that I like honey. I already looked an there are a number of places that sell it. Just need to remember to pick some up when I'm out in one of those directions.
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Re: Hey OG

Postby Ricky Spanish » Wed Jul 05, 2023 11:42 am

SpinnerMan wrote:
Ricky Spanish wrote:When you travel south does it bother you?

It bothers me everywhere. Most times the day after it rains I get a headache. It's generally not as bad when I'm in Florida because we stay on the island of Clearwater beach so having ocean all around plus the time of year helps but far from eliminates. It's actually much worse up here because of all the ragweed and other things.

I once toured the National Ignition Facility. https://lasers.llnl.gov/about/what-is-nif This is an hyper clean facility. All air is extremely filtered and you wear head, show covers to try and keep dust to an absolute minimum. Any speck of dust that ends up on a mirror or lens burns into the glass and shortens the life of these very expensive items. After being in there for maybe 30 minutes, my sinuses cleared I could not believe how easy it was to breath through my nose. I need to live in there :thumbsup: It was wonderful to experience what normal people do if only briefly.

Ricky Spanish wrote:It won't hurt to try.
No it won't. Especially given that I like honey. I already looked an there are a number of places that sell it. Just need to remember to pick some up when I'm out in one of those directions.

Spinning in a bubble?
Clean room. Lol
Just live in a clean room.
Sounds expensive.
Honey is cheap.
Something has my throat scratching.
Canadian smoke.
:lol: :lol:
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Re: Hey OG

Postby SpinnerMan » Wed Jul 05, 2023 3:07 pm

One way to defeat allergies.


Ricky Spanish wrote:Canadian smoke.

It was crazy last week, but it didn't bother my lungs at all.
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Re: Hey OG

Postby Ricky Spanish » Wed Jul 05, 2023 4:44 pm

What gets me is good corn growing weather.
Hot n humid as hell and I just say fuck it and shut down.
Old ppl gripes.
Bees quit working early today because heat.
I'll mail that honey eventually.
Try next week.

My wife's cancer treatment seems to be working but chemo is hell. The cure is about as bad as the disease.
There are 5 more rounds to go.
Ten more weeks of it.
I thought there were just 3 rounds and on #4 I said hey wtf is going on here?
Stage 4 cancer. Oof. Only 20% survive.
12 rounds of chemo.
Funny how women hold things back.
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Re: Hey OG

Postby Ricky Spanish » Wed Jul 05, 2023 4:54 pm

The quart is going out tomorrow. $24

Honey on tap how cool is that?
These one pound skeps are going to Minnesota.

It cleared up nicely from just sitting there.
The wax stuff floats.
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Re: Hey OG

Postby Ricky Spanish » Wed Jul 05, 2023 5:04 pm

It may appear like I'm trying to push members into buying honey. Yes and no.
There is no profit in shipping it but I do it for people if they ask. The point I'm trying to make is that you too could support your hunting fetish partially or fully by keeping bees on the side. You're not going on African safari or Argentina but can do boondocking on a wma. ;)
Plus it's kind of fun.
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Re: Hey OG

Postby plainsman » Wed Jul 05, 2023 7:20 pm

heard these are really good, any input?
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Re: Hey OG

Postby Ricky Spanish » Thu Jul 06, 2023 5:42 am

It's a whistle plainsman.
There are many flavors and they all do the same thing.
You blow on it and ducks come raining thru the trees and light in your spread if you don't shoot them all first.
Want sound files? Keelen and his dad can sound like hundreds of ducks and his dad uses a whistle like that.
You only run into that pair once in a lifetime tho.
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Re: Hey OG

Postby Ricky Spanish » Thu Jul 06, 2023 9:22 am

SpinnerMan wrote:One way to defeat allergies.


Ricky Spanish wrote:Canadian smoke.

It was crazy last week, but it didn't bother my lungs at all.

Remember that spot?
I marked it with a cross of reflector tacks. Kids from Mansfield walk in to that spot sometimes.
Just shine the shoreline and you'll spot the cross. ;)
That's about the only spot with a bottom that's not mud like quicksand.
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Re: Hey OG

Postby Ricky Spanish » Fri Jul 07, 2023 9:57 am

I lost your address or forget the secret code or something.
I'm pulling honey again.
Refills now that it rained.
I'm gunna be rich. :lol:
One hive has made 15 gallons so far.
This is today.

That hive swarmed, I took 3 splits, and it still made all that honey. The swarm took up in one of my hives so I ended up with 4 new hives, a kick ass new queen, and 15 gallons of money. :lol:
That's a bit over $1k.

I can afford to hunt this year. Sweet.
Remember the new boxes I was fussing about in spring.
That's from one of them. New equipment makes it look awful good.
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Re: Hey OG

Postby plainsman » Fri Jul 07, 2023 6:29 pm

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Re: Hey OG

Postby Ricky Spanish » Fri Jul 07, 2023 7:10 pm

plainsman wrote:https://www.thespruceeats.com/best-honeys-4685877

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