Post Season Walk

Post Season Walk

Postby DComeaux » Sun Mar 01, 2015 8:14 pm

The wife, daughter, Ellie the dog and I took a drive out to the blind this afternoon. I wanted to see what was still down here. We didn't ride around at all but we did see on the route in and out a good bit of ducks in the few flooded crawfish ponds we passed. When we were about a mile or so out from the blind and I noticed a small plane flying over that stirred up the geese in the area. I was surprised to see quite a few large groups get airborne in the area. A mixture of blues and specks. The second clip on the video is the ducks we flushed at our blind. I identified mallards, spoons, and large fat mottled's for sure. There may have been other species. Please, EXCUSE THE QUALITY! I I need to get a camera made for what I want to capture, but they are expensive!, at least from what I've found during my search for a camera.

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Re: Post Season Walk

Postby Darren » Mon Mar 02, 2015 1:50 pm

Very nice, thanks for sharing! Hopefully they're imprinting and will come back to see you in the fall. I've been wondering myself what might be out in our marsh right now but haven't had chance to get out there. Really hoping to catch a day with the water up so I can go out to the big blind and pull the floor decks out to keep at home for offseason.
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Re: Post Season Walk

Postby Rick » Mon Mar 02, 2015 4:19 pm

Good to see them living the good life without getting banged at by every field they pass. Haven't been over your way, but the coyote and I have been enjoying what's still around Klondike.
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Re: Post Season Walk

Postby DComeaux » Mon Mar 02, 2015 9:27 pm

Darren wrote:Very nice, thanks for sharing! Hopefully they're imprinting and will come back to see you in the fall. I've been wondering myself what might be out in our marsh right now but haven't had chance to get out there. Really hoping to catch a day with the water up so I can go out to the big blind and pull the floor decks out to keep at home for offseason.

Bring back some pictures if you get out there in the near future. I'm just not sure if this weather and winds we're having will let water back into the marsh in time.

by Rick » Mon Mar 02, 2015 4:19 pm

Good to see them living the good life without getting banged at by every field they pass. Haven't been over your way, but the coyote and I have been enjoying what's still around Klondike.

You know Rick, I absolutely love hunting waterfowl, but it sure does my heart good to see these birds enjoying some quiet time. I could have sat out there all afternoon watching these birds frolic, but for the wife and daughter this would have probably been boring. They were laughing at me as it was when my excitement at first seeing the geese came out of my mouth. They think I'm nuts!
The birds we flushed from our pond were starting to trickle back in so I hurried out to leave them at peace. When we were easing up to the pond I could see these big fat hens and mottled's sitting on clumps of grass, with some preening. It was nice to be out there! I would have toured the area, but as I mentioned, the ladies may not have appreciated the time on the road or my enthusiasm.
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Re: Post Season Walk

Postby Darren » Tue Mar 03, 2015 10:40 am

We're in the same boat; at least seeing them in your hole, regardless of season or not, shows you what that hole CAN be like and keeps you going back each morning hoping to see them show up.

I'll hopefully get out there in next few weeks and will have camera along
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