Versatile Decoy Spread - Multiple Winds


Versatile Decoy Spread - Multiple Winds

Postby Weekend Woodsmen » Fri Sep 07, 2018 10:07 am

Last year during early season, we were faced with a common scenario. The wind was coming out of the West in the morning but was supposed to be shifting to coming out of the S during the course of the hunt. We are by no means goose hunting and decoy setup experts, but I knew I didn't want to go with any sort of a west facing "U" spread because I was afraid the South side of the arm would either make birds coming from the south land too far to our side, or not want to commit at all. Instead I opted to go with a "J Hook" and I was AMAZED at how well the birds decoyed from both the West and the South. It worked PERFECT! Do you guys use this sort of a decoy spread? If not, what is your "go to" spread for shifting winds? Watch the video to see what it looked like and how the birds worked it, enjoy!
Weekend Woodsmen
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Joined: Thu Sep 11, 2014 10:24 pm

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