Looking ahead...

Re: Looking ahead...

Postby DComeaux » Fri Jul 01, 2016 1:42 pm

Did y'all pick it up?
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Re: Looking ahead...

Postby Rick » Fri Jul 01, 2016 5:34 pm

No way. And if we did, Doug would sublet it all.
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Re: Looking ahead...

Postby Rick » Fri Jul 01, 2016 7:47 pm

You just thought what you had was expensive.
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Re: Looking ahead...

Postby Rick » Sat Jul 02, 2016 2:46 pm

Wood stork day in Klondike. Hadn't seen one since the vanguard noted on June 17, but worked the dogs this morning in a wooly crawfish pond near poor ag land gone back to marsh, and the cypress tops were full of storks:

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Re: Looking ahead...

Postby Rick » Sun Jul 03, 2016 9:14 am

Lousy pic of a good litter:
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Re: Looking ahead...

Postby Rick » Sun Jul 03, 2016 4:06 pm

Wood ducks seem to have had a fine hatch, too, as I bumped nearly a hundred (and a third as many mottleds) from some flooded volunteer rice today. One of those big summer woodie wads that make you "Teal!" when they first jump.
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Re: Looking ahead...

Postby Rick » Mon Jul 04, 2016 5:43 am

Will be anxious to hear how that works out this fall.
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Re: Looking ahead...

Postby Rick » Mon Jul 04, 2016 2:12 pm

Had a wonderful group of regulars from Alabama who have, sad to say, died and aged out, who told me their part of Alabama (mostly Crenshaw Co.) had just four kinds of ducks: "wood ducks; green-headed mallards, which everybody knows; pintail's, which must be real or they wouldn't have named one of our big beaver pond's after them; and pond ducks, which is everything else and so far and few between that it's not worth the bother of learning their real names."

Also said that their honest to gosh duck hunting: "the kind where you actually kill something, is the fifteen minutes of woodie roost shooting after sunset, while the game wardens look the other way. If they didn't give you that fifteen minutes, everyone would quit duck hunting, but staying any later than that would be abusing their good nature."

On my office wall, just over my left shoulder as I type, is a matted and framed photo with a plaque stating "1992 Goose Hunt - Day's Bag" in which three of them and I are holding up handfuls of nothing. Miss those guys.
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Re: Looking ahead...

Postby Ericdc » Mon Jul 04, 2016 11:37 pm

Rick wrote:You just thought what you had was expensive.

Blinds on the farm I assume? Cost per blind if you had to guess? The economics of waterfowling are interesting.

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Re: Looking ahead...

Postby Rick » Tue Jul 05, 2016 4:51 am

I'm told there are three blinds on it, and know of a three blind farm less than half its size in the same general area but much farther from the refuge (which this one has across its south and much of its west boundaries) that was recently rented for $50K.
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Re: Looking ahead...

Postby Ericdc » Tue Jul 05, 2016 11:00 am

About what I figured. Assuming these are larger pits and not 9 footers?

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Re: Looking ahead...

Postby aunt betty » Tue Jul 05, 2016 4:01 pm

Waterfowl hunting can both empower and humble a man.
Those days where I made a string of "limit days" gave me a big head and I thought I had it all figured out and then...Day after day after day of nothin' for a season (or two) is a pretty big slice of humble pie.
Looking forward to nailin' some birds this fall. (Ohyeah)
I've heard that it's incredibly stupid to fuck around with a crazy man's head.
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Re: Looking ahead...

Postby Rick » Tue Jul 05, 2016 4:40 pm

Mom's home:
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Re: Looking ahead...

Postby DComeaux » Tue Jul 05, 2016 4:44 pm

She has salvania on her face........Thats a good picture.
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Re: Looking ahead...

Postby Rick » Tue Jul 05, 2016 6:37 pm

That one was kind enough to show up after I was away from her nest and back in the airboat. Had another bite the airboat, but the one I really wish I had a picture of kept me much too busy to remember the camera.

Found the big new airboat will cut a whole lot more cane than the small old one:

...but isn't as immune to flotant as hoped. Otherwise, a nice day to be in the Pine Pasture marsh. Chinquapins are in bloom and smell a bit like honeysuckle when crossing big flats of them.
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Re: Looking ahead...

Postby Rick » Wed Jul 06, 2016 4:41 am

Oh, lordy, no. I'd lose what few friends I have for cranking an airboat in the marsh during duck season. Hell, I'd kick my own ass for it.
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Re: Looking ahead...

Postby Ericdc » Wed Jul 06, 2016 1:33 pm

Rick wrote:Oh, lordy, no. I'd lose what few friends I have for cranking an airboat in the marsh during duck season. Hell, I'd kick my own ass for it.

Haha yea I imagine that would flare a few

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Re: Looking ahead...

Postby Rick » Fri Jul 15, 2016 5:57 pm

Still passing time (and getting my waterfowling fix) by reading through my past logs and finally made it through the 2013-2014 season. I say "finally" because the reading was largely a painful grind through a season that was largely that. And while it's generally been my practice to end my season wrap-ups with an upbeat photo that expresses the kind of season it was, I found the following as appropriate after the read-through as when it was written:

It's become my custom to close out these season wrap-ups with a photo that exemplifies the season it's been, but this year a story from it seems much more appropriate than any photo I've taken:

Near the duck season's end, I arrived at the camp for an afternoon hunt and was greeted by a really neat family from Florida: Mom and Dad, plus Grandpa and a young son and daughter who were already accomplished sportsmen. They were excited to meet me and explained that when they'd decided to hunt our area, they'd researched it on the Internet, and "Everyone said Rick Hall was the man to hunt with."

Would that such faith were justified, but we struggled as much with their hunts as with too many others this year, and eventually Mom ventured to ask if there wasn't another Rick Hall in the area? 'Fraid not.

Then, after some pause, "Any other guides named 'Rick'?

"No. But believe me, I want to hunt with that other Rick Hall, too."

I disappointed an awful lot of people this season.

Know 2014-2015 and even 2015-2016 were appreciably stronger, so I'll keep reading and not shoot myself to avoid 2016-2017.
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Re: Looking ahead...

Postby Ericdc » Fri Jul 15, 2016 10:27 pm

Rick wrote:Still passing time (and getting my waterfowling fix) by reading through my past logs and finally made it through the 2013-2014 season. I say "finally" because the reading was largely a painful grind through a season that was largely that. And while it's generally been my practice to end my season wrap-ups with an upbeat photo that expresses the kind of season it was, I found the following as appropriate after the read-through as when it was written:

It's become my custom to close out these season wrap-ups with a photo that exemplifies the season it's been, but this year a story from it seems much more appropriate than any photo I've taken:

Near the duck season's end, I arrived at the camp for an afternoon hunt and was greeted by a really neat family from Florida: Mom and Dad, plus Grandpa and a young son and daughter who were already accomplished sportsmen. They were excited to meet me and explained that when they'd decided to hunt our area, they'd researched it on the Internet, and "Everyone said Rick Hall was the man to hunt with."

Would that such faith were justified, but we struggled as much with their hunts as with too many others this year, and eventually Mom ventured to ask if there wasn't another Rick Hall in the area? 'Fraid not.

Then, after some pause, "Any other guides named 'Rick'?

"No. But believe me, I want to hunt with that other Rick Hall, too."

I disappointed an awful lot of people this season.

Know 2014-2015 and even 2015-2016 were appreciably stronger, so I'll keep reading and not shoot myself to avoid 2016-2017.

Hahahahaha that's hilarious

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Re: Looking ahead...

Postby Rick » Sat Jul 16, 2016 6:12 pm

Made a quick run through the mudhole this morning and was pleased to find chinquapins growing in it, instead of goatweed growing on it, as is sometimes the case:

Not that it necessarily won't be again by September...
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Re: Looking ahead...

Postby Ericdc » Sat Jul 16, 2016 6:20 pm


Picked these up today. Will be perfect for the rice field. Price was right.

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Re: Looking ahead...

Postby Rick » Sun Jul 17, 2016 5:23 am

Y'all must have some deep-a--ed rice floods. But even in the barely more than puddled flood I think perfect, those would be sweet for rain days - unless the boots are loose and you have to muck around off hard ground.
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Re: Looking ahead...

Postby Ericdc » Sun Jul 17, 2016 8:36 am

Rick wrote:Y'all must have some deep-a--ed rice floods. But even in the barely more than puddled flood I think perfect, those would be sweet for rain days - unless the boots are loose and you have to muck around off hard ground.

Our field is flooded to about 6" at most, but walking around in it, chasing cripples, knee boots would result in a wet behind. The boots fit very snug around my ankles, which is kind of a trademark for lacrosse. I use their boots for work as well.

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