Pre Season Prep

Re: Pre Season Prep

Postby Rick » Tue May 22, 2018 7:46 am

When you go as much as we do, you get pretty good at knowing where to set your folding chairs to catch the most shade and breeze at the various parks. But it can still suck wind when there is none.
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Re: Pre Season Prep

Postby aunt betty » Tue May 22, 2018 8:21 am

There is a pipeline that crosses our farm. My father asked me what I'd plant and then told the oil company to do it.
ALFALFA and let it go to full bloom mow it then repeat. The hay isn't what I want.

An acre of alfalfa is good for 100# of honey. 20 acres...oh yeah.
The hay farmer neighbor is pissed at me because it's money to him if he can grow it his way.
Uh way.
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Re: Pre Season Prep

Postby aunt betty » Tue May 22, 2018 8:30 am

Rick wrote:When you go as much as we do, you get pretty good at knowing where to set your folding chairs to catch the most shade and breeze at the various parks. But it can still suck wind when there is none.

The yard with the big house and all the bees. The 2-acre farm lol... Found out it actually is registered as a farm for tax purposes.
I've wandered around it enough times to know exactly where the cool spot in the yard is. The shed and a row of pine trees make sort of a wind funnel.

About three decades ago there was a giant weeping willow. Spent quite a bit of time with my back against that tree. Could hide there because the branches all touched the ground. The sound of the breeze going thru all them little leave puts you to sleep just like in the hobbit book. Oh God I wish that tree was back. Nasty old maple grew in it's place.
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Re: Pre Season Prep

Postby aunt betty » Tue May 22, 2018 1:27 pm

I really should have paid attention to my dad more. He had uncanny wildlife skills like knowing all the different grasses that grow in the midwest by name.
Back then every small farm had a back lot that was over-grown with weeds and grass. Maybe some dirt piles with rabbits. Quail was a possibility.

Now? What small farms?
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Re: Pre Season Prep

Postby aunt betty » Wed May 30, 2018 4:38 pm

Marsh Bear wrote:Going back to the marsh on Saturday - grass planting day.

Lemon diesel or sticky icky?
That'd never work too green. 8-)

Yeah you can turn off that south wind please. It's too hot and affecting my clover honey crop.
Need it to be between 85 and 90 please. No more. 98 was too much.
The tropical storm is sending me some rain thank you.
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Re: Pre Season Prep

Postby aunt betty » Fri Jun 15, 2018 8:49 am

We get to go on the 9th. It will be 85-90 degrees. Fun.
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Re: Pre Season Prep

Postby DComeaux » Fri Jun 15, 2018 10:02 am

Getting close....
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Re: Pre Season Prep

Postby Darren » Fri Jun 15, 2018 12:35 pm

Marsh Bear wrote:Today - June 15 only 3 months until Teal season. :D

Like where your head is at. This season being the absolute latest possible dates for a Louisiana teal season within the current framework. So we will be on the later end of the month as has been traditional but in some past years we were going a week earlier to close on a sunday.

Is it our understanding that it seemed like we missed the bulk of birds last season? Thought thats what was kicked around after the season. There were some birds in our area for sure in last week of August and opening weekend was good.
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Re: Pre Season Prep

Postby Ericdc » Fri Jun 15, 2018 12:47 pm

Darren wrote:
Marsh Bear wrote:Today - June 15 only 3 months until Teal season. :D

Like where your head is at. This season being the absolute latest possible dates for a Louisiana teal season within the current framework. So we will be on the later end of the month as has been traditional but in some past years we were going a week earlier to close on a sunday.

Is it our understanding that it seemed like we missed the bulk of birds last season? Thought thats what was kicked around after the season. There were some birds in our area for sure in last week of August and opening weekend was good.

Yep we missed an awesome front the weekend of September 9th which would have been traditional opener. Opening weekend was summer like.

Hopefully we will get some better weather this year.

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Re: Pre Season Prep

Postby aunt betty » Fri Jun 15, 2018 12:50 pm

Teal and wood ducks are the tasty ones. Wrapped in bacon with a hot pepper and some cream cheese stuffed inside.
It's been a long time and I WANT DAT!

My wife just don't understand that I'd rather eat them little ducks than a steak or even prime rib.
One day I will be on this site begging for ducks to eat. Try and tolerate that. Might be a while.
Waterfowl jerky is the bomb but never ever ever turn teal or wood ducks into that.
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Re: Pre Season Prep

Postby Darren » Fri Jun 15, 2018 1:14 pm

Ericdc wrote:
Darren wrote:
Marsh Bear wrote:Today - June 15 only 3 months until Teal season. :D

Like where your head is at. This season being the absolute latest possible dates for a Louisiana teal season within the current framework. So we will be on the later end of the month as has been traditional but in some past years we were going a week earlier to close on a sunday.

Is it our understanding that it seemed like we missed the bulk of birds last season? Thought thats what was kicked around after the season. There were some birds in our area for sure in last week of August and opening weekend was good.

Yep we missed an awesome front the weekend of September 9th which would have been traditional opener. Opening weekend was summer like.

Hopefully we will get some better weather this year.
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Know it robbed some of one of their allotted 16 days, but that friday opener was awesome. What's better than an opening weekend of duck season? Making it 3 days instead of 2, and escaping to the camp a lil longer.

Hoping the 2018 teal opener is a lot like 2017's.......shoot teal, catch redfish, cook teal and redfish, repeat.
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Re: Pre Season Prep

Postby aunt betty » Fri Jun 15, 2018 1:42 pm

Season prep:
Re-apply for a FOID.
Mine expires in August. I bet it takes the state six months to get me a new one and I don't care.
In Sept it will be unlawful for me to possess firearms or ammunition in Illinois if they don't make me one in 10 weeks.
See y'all in the county jail. :mrgreen:
Probably be DeWitt County.
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Re: Pre Season Prep

Postby aunt betty » Fri Jun 15, 2018 3:01 pm

Oh shit this just got real. For decades all one had to do to get an FOID was to go to Beck's Title Service.
They're closed now so I attempted to find another such service. It does not exist.
The process was extremely painful and involved a bunch of bubbly blonde office people.
I'd walk in and ask, "can you help me get this re-newed?".
Well I don't know but I can transfer you to someone else who doesn't know and they'll transfer you to someone else that don't know who finally gets the manager to say, "we don't do that". So the next question is "who does?". They send you to the next set of bubbly blonde office girls and repeat.

Damn I'm pissed. Took me a lot of driving and waiting in lines to get the soft NO.
Guess I need a computer. Smart phone don't work the state of Illinois is smart-phone retarded.
So I got 10 weeks to come up with a plan. Why is this so difficult?

Can I borrow your computer at work to do some state paperwork? rofl
I'm self-banned from the public library because quite frankly they treat people with beards like shit there.
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Re: Pre Season Prep

Postby aunt betty » Fri Jun 15, 2018 3:07 pm

Call the IDNR at 217-935-6860 for help. Ok.
This number has been disconnected?
Running out of options.
Go to the state police HQ? They're the ones that actually issue the damned things.
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Re: Pre Season Prep

Postby SpinnerMan » Fri Jun 15, 2018 7:07 pm

It looks like you can do it online.
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Re: Pre Season Prep

Postby aunt betty » Fri Jun 15, 2018 7:15 pm

Not with this device. Too much porn and it's not secure.
Constantly telling me that this site is not secure as well.
I ignore the security notices because that's how you get tricked into downloading the newest version of what's infecting the device.
No downloads. No spending money online. Just for youtube, wff, and beesource.
I think I'd rather just give up hunting than buy a new pc to fill out a form online.

Before you say "library" uh uh. It's full of lefty liberal women who hate men with beards. I tried checking out a book once. Called ahead. "It's at the front desk just ask Marge". That book was so I could do some important research for the city. (for free) They were disappointed.
I get there and Marge is busy with a retarded old woman who is lost and can't find the bus stop or anything so Marge is holding her hand and walking her thru the computer for 45 minutes while I stood there. Then she walked away. I was smoking mad by then.
Just hand me the damned book. Nearly got myself arrested again. Champaign Public Library? No way Jose.
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Re: Pre Season Prep

Postby Deltaman » Mon Jun 18, 2018 7:23 am

Move South............ we don't don't have the libtard regs to deal with down here!
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Re: Pre Season Prep

Postby aunt betty » Mon Jun 18, 2018 9:37 am

Deltaman wrote:Move South............ we don't don't have the libtard regs to deal with down here!
I'd like that very much however I doubt y'all could handle my blabby mouth Yankee hippy ways. Am not a true liberal but I live in one of the most liberal places in the midwest. Educated there so there's a very high chance that at least two things I do on a regular basis would be unacceptable to the sweet kind gentle people of the south.
It's where I belong but I know better than to pollute it with my ways.
That's why I live Indahood. Can afford better but the kind gentle northern elite that populate such areas would find me unacceptable as well. I am exactly where I'm supposed to be thanks to the grace of God.

Maybe I'll visit someday. Best kind of yankees are the ones that leave.

I did finally say fuck it and started an online account with the Illinois State Police website so that I could apply for the "gun owner registration card" aka: FOID. In Illinois they don't register the guns they register the owners. Great system ain't it? But they're not keeping a list to round up the guns ...right.

Someday I will move south to the farm. It's 100 miles south. Surprisingly it is just far enough south to be south. The mason-dixon line, if extended, runs right thru the center of Illinois. You can tell when you get on the south side of I-70 the whole ball game changes. I'll get there. My mom lied and told me that dad sold the farm. I checked into the platte maps and two yrs later we still own it. Go figure.
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Re: Pre Season Prep

Postby aunt betty » Mon Jul 02, 2018 9:43 am

They got just 12 more days to produce a FOID card in my mail box. They made a law where it has to be done in 30 days.
How much you want to bet they meant 30 business days? That means six weeks or more in everyday people speak.
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Re: Pre Season Prep

Postby Rick » Mon Jul 02, 2018 12:36 pm

Marsh Bear wrote:Teal season will be here before you know it - get ready.

Lordy do I wish I could.
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Re: Pre Season Prep

Postby aunt betty » Mon Jul 02, 2018 3:36 pm

For me to go from fishing mode to hunting mode on the boat takes about 2 hours. What takes the longest is finding the soldering iron so I can take the trolling motor off and connect the light bar up. The blind goes on in minutes. Four machine screws with nuts.
The rest of it sets in the bottom of the boat and gets set up in the field.
Had the northern flight one from cabelas and actually prefer the one my dad invented.
It's lasted for 40 years of hunting. Real gortex. The only thing it lacks is a cover.

About them LED light bars. Make sure you have a way of covering it up. I've flared way too many ducks by forgetting that little detail. Burns me up every time.
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Re: Pre Season Prep

Postby aunt betty » Mon Jul 02, 2018 3:41 pm

Rick wrote:
Marsh Bear wrote:Teal season will be here before you know it - get ready.

Lordy do I wish I could.
You'll be fine and have all your decoys painted by then. It would seem that top priority is "the wheels".

Pull A Part. Call em yet?
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Re: Pre Season Prep

Postby Rick » Mon Jul 02, 2018 4:34 pm

aunt betty wrote:
Rick wrote:
Marsh Bear wrote:Teal season will be here before you know it - get ready.

Lordy do I wish I could.
You'll be fine and have all your decoys painted by then. It would seem that top priority is "the wheels".

Pull A Part. Call em yet?

Wheels I have. Water in the marsh I don't.
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