Brown Fish

Brown Fish

Postby Deltaman » Mon Jul 27, 2015 8:43 am

The flat ones...............we target them when fishing from May thru November, but for the past 3 years, have not had consistency of numbers in the North end of Mobile Bay. Unsure if the oil spill has affected, or it is just a cycle (hopefully), but scored on a decent box of fish Saturday. Kept 12 flounders from 1 1/4 - 3 lbs, on live shrimp (no bull minnows available), and when the live shrimp were gone, caught just as many using pink gulps using a Carolina rig. Also, we always throw a couple of old school crab lines out when we are fishing 8-12' of water along sand bars, using left over flounder heads, croakers, etc..., and the flounders ended up with 3 dozen jumbo blue-clawed brethren as ice box mates. I dearly love to catch fish, but when it comes to eating, they take a backseat to a big pot of boiled crabs :thumbsup: .
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