Broken Fuel Line Connection/Quick Fix

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Broken Fuel Line Connection/Quick Fix

Postby Deltaman » Mon Dec 05, 2016 9:59 am

With the early storming rain Saturday, my stepson and i opted to launch after daylight to scout an out of the way spot he had found ducks in two weeks prior when hunting hogs in the delta. Twenty minutes of running and we were almost there, when my Yamaha 25 hp Found that the fuel connector on the motor had sheared off at the throat. What to do, what to do? My first thought was to cut the line, take out the throat, and try to affix back on connector with tape, but just wasn't practical, there has to be pressure to get the gas to the carb. Have broken down many times over the years, but this was a first. Checked the fuel intake line inside the motor, and was able to disconnect, and was able to squeeze it into the gas tank line for a direct connection. The fit was snug, and I cleaned the hoses off and used electrical take to keep them together...........looked like a rube running around with the cowling off our motor, but was able to spend the rest of the day scouting as planned. In checking the spot he had found birds in, noticed it had been hunted that morning........oh well, public land! Wanted to share the motor fix with ya'll, just in case this ever happens to you.
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Re: Broken Fuel Line Connection/Quick Fix

Postby Rick » Tue Dec 06, 2016 10:31 am

I'd still be paddling.
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Re: Broken Fuel Line Connection/Quick Fix

Postby aunt betty » Tue Dec 06, 2016 11:52 am

I'd probably have figured out a way to make it work. Might have got ugly with some cussing and yelling at the dog sort of thing.

Have been known to tear an outboard apart on the bank over one of my duck blind sides.(tarp)
Usually it was the pull-start mechanism. You guys have no
Let's say if you want the gw to take one look and walk away all you gotta do is have that recoil spring unwound and in your gloved hands.

Never had a fuel line break off but have lost a complete prop assembly. That's why I have two extra props, nuts, everything on board including tools. Two fuel lines as well. Spare fuel pump and just about everything but that fitting where the line hooks to.
Break it an I'm fucked.

Some of these guys run a long long way up or down rivers where I go and they all do the same. Extra props and tools etc because there ain't nobody gonna save you 'cept yourself. Have saved a few stranded boats an that's why these guys put up with me being there.
I've heard that it's incredibly stupid to fuck around with a crazy man's head.
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