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Ghetto Faaaabulous

PostPosted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 11:43 am
by BrewGUN
Since Jehler took the tender boat down south, My friend Jeff B and I threw together a quick blind on the 12ft john boat that he left me. She aint pretty but it worked. I bought some green snow fencing and zip tied pine, cedar and cattails/reeds to 12 ft lengths, then rolled each section up(did the same to a couple 5 ft pieces for the front and back). Once we got to the launch we zip tied the snow fence to the conduit rail and draped over the side. Launched, got set up, waited for the fog to lift and started blasting. It felt good to pull the trigger again after not shooting deer the past few days, it was one of those days we couldn't miss too. Granted we shot all buffies, but it was fun. Especially dropping three buffies from the back of the boat while he was pissing off the front :lol: I gotta give props to Jehler for giving me some misc loads he had. The last bird was a single 45 yards out, i thought why not see what kind of pattern it threw at that range, gave it about 5-6 ft leed and crumpled it!
All said and done we were limited, picked up and pulled out by 9am. There were several boats that ran up into the stumps and cattails, we didnt here but maybe 20 shots from them.
Like I said, ghetto, but it worked.

Re: Ghetto Faaaabulous

PostPosted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 2:26 pm
by jarbo03
Nice! Looks lkke a hell of a hunt, I love building ghetto rigs.

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Re: Ghetto Faaaabulous

PostPosted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 8:11 pm
by assateague
I love shooting buffies

Re: Ghetto Faaaabulous

PostPosted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 9:42 pm
by obxbufflehead
assateague wrote:I love shooting buffies

Same here.

Re: Ghetto Faaaabulous

PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 12:42 am
by 3legged_lab
assateague wrote:I love shooting buffies

We always try to go out on the river for the last day of season and target buffies. Its a good way to blow off the rest of whatever shells that are left over. No blind, no decoys, just tie up to one of the old log jams in the center of the river and let the powder burn as they haul ass by.

Re: Ghetto Faaaabulous

PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 10:31 am
by BrewGUN
Set it up again this morning, one of the guys that was hunting yesterday showed up again, launched late and pushed all the Goldies out, shot 6 buffies then the sun came out and everything eent downhill from there, sat another hour, didn't see anything else, packed up and went home. Need more birds and better weather before we attempt again.

Re: Ghetto Faaaabulous

PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 6:08 pm
by QH's Paw
We have a place we call Bufflehead bay.
When the scoters won't play on the salt and the puddlers leave the marsh, we target the buffies. Don't get me wrong, anytime I'm diver hunting I shoot them but, I try to target the drakes, unless it's real slow, then anything goes.

Re: Ghetto Faaaabulous

PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 6:17 pm
by DeadEye_Dan
I've got a buffie sweep & clear scheduled for Thanksgiving AM...they can sporty to shoot.

Re: Ghetto Faaaabulous

PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 7:23 pm
by BrewGUN
I wanted to go all drakes this am but knowing the weather forecast it was all in, still ended up with 4 drakes out of the 6. Some fun shootin though!