Regular Season 2021

Re: Regular Season 2021

Postby Duck Engr » Sun Feb 27, 2022 8:53 pm

Duck Engr wrote:
BGkirk wrote:Update us after that throttle lever. I’d like to do the same on my GDSD

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BG I haven’t forgotten about this, just been a little busy. I’m going to have to do a minor modification to make it work. When I went to attach the motor end of the throttle cable, there’s too much distance between the end of the cable itself and the end of the black sheathing that gets clamped down. I’m going to have to drill a new hole. Unfortunately I have to unbolt the exhaust to get to where I need to drill the hole. Just haven’t had an hour free at one time to do it. I’ll post pics and a write up when I’m finished.
Finally had “time” to finish the bps throttle install, though my time was under a little duress with the wife tapping her foot so we could take the kids on the boat. Ended up getting rained out….

Anyway, went pretty easy. As described above, I had to drill a new 3/32” hole in the plate that the throttle cable hooks to up by the air cleaner. Had to remove the exhaust to drill said hole. (10) 12 mm bolts. The bps cable is a little longer overall in addition to having more distance between the end of the sheathing and hook end of cable.

Trying to post pics but Tapatalk isn’t behaving again. Will try again from desktop tomorrow.

Overall I’m pleased. The throttle lever itself is longer. I’m betting this will lead to less hand cramping on long runs. Seems to have a little more travel in it, so I’m thinking I’ll be touching 3900 rpms as opposed to stock 3500-3600 at WOT.
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Re: Regular Season 2021

Postby SpinnerMan » Mon Feb 28, 2022 9:32 am

Duck Engr wrote:I don’t get to ride near as much as I used to.

I don't get to ride at all. I am very allergic to horses.


If you've never seen Hitch, it's a cute movie. Last time I touched a horse, this was more or less the result. :o

Sounds like a ton of fun. My dreams of horsebacking deep into the mountains for elk or even just a recreational ride are a hard no go. :(

As to the last time I petted a horse. When I was a kid, my Uncle had horses and I rode maybe a half dozen times. A lot of fun. But early adult, my roommate took in a damn stray cat and it seemed to trigger all kinds of allergies. unbeknownst to me, horses were among them. The local large garden, lawn, etc. type of store, it's huge, had a promotion. Food, etc. including pony rides for the kids. My wife and I were standing and petting the horse talking with the lady giving the rids. After we were done chatting, we went about with our shopping. I started feeling a little funny and all the sudden, my wife says "what is wrong with your eye." Look in the mirror and :o :o :o Just like in Hitch, mad dash to find a place I can get Benadryl and large amounts of fluids. Didn't know if it was something I ate or what. A year or so later, we took my nephew to Medieval Times where they do the jousting and other things like that while you eat and enjoy the show. I was wheezing so bad, I actually had to leave early just sitting up in the seats watching the horses. :o I steer very clear of horses. :(
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Re: Regular Season 2021

Postby Rick » Mon Feb 28, 2022 9:54 am

Hate to read that. The world takes on a whole different perspective from the back of a horse. Reading DE's post, I was reminded of that, the smell the horse and the sound of saddle leather creaking (a couple of my favorite things) - all without considering how hard the Earth's become in my dotage. Well, I might have done a bit of that at the part about his dad's mount acting up...
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Re: Regular Season 2021

Postby SpinnerMan » Mon Feb 28, 2022 1:45 pm

Yep. The little I did it as a kid, I really enjoyed it. About 10 years ago, there was a stable we drove by close to our house that gave riding lessons. I would have loved to have done that with my wife. I don't believe she's ever been on a horse.

I even thought about getting the monthly injections to try and overcome allergies. Two problems. First, I've heard mixed reviews. Second I'm on a beta blocker which is a problem because it doesn't play well with epinephrine. So if I had a bad reaction, they either couldn't give it to me or it might not work. I forget, but it's a no-go for the conditioning treatment for allergies.

Rick wrote:all without considering how hard the Earth's become in my dotage. Well, I might have done a bit of that at the part about his dad's mount acting up...


You have a few years on me, but I completely appreciate the Earth becoming much harder than it was a couple decades ago.
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Re: Regular Season 2021

Postby BGkirk » Mon Feb 28, 2022 8:03 pm

Duck Engr wrote:
Duck Engr wrote:
BGkirk wrote:Update us after that throttle lever. I’d like to do the same on my GDSD

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BG I haven’t forgotten about this, just been a little busy. I’m going to have to do a minor modification to make it work. When I went to attach the motor end of the throttle cable, there’s too much distance between the end of the cable itself and the end of the black sheathing that gets clamped down. I’m going to have to drill a new hole. Unfortunately I have to unbolt the exhaust to get to where I need to drill the hole. Just haven’t had an hour free at one time to do it. I’ll post pics and a write up when I’m finished.
Finally had “time” to finish the bps throttle install, though my time was under a little duress with the wife tapping her foot so we could take the kids on the boat. Ended up getting rained out….

Anyway, went pretty easy. As described above, I had to drill a new 3/32” hole in the plate that the throttle cable hooks to up by the air cleaner. Had to remove the exhaust to drill said hole. (10) 12 mm bolts. The bps cable is a little longer overall in addition to having more distance between the end of the sheathing and hook end of cable.

Trying to post pics but Tapatalk isn’t behaving again. Will try again from desktop tomorrow.

Overall I’m pleased. The throttle lever itself is longer. I’m betting this will lead to less hand cramping on long runs. Seems to have a little more travel in it, so I’m thinking I’ll be touching 3900 rpms as opposed to stock 3500-3600 at WOT.
Appreciate you remembering to post your install notes..
And if you’re on long runs, you should definitely get a spring loaded clamp.
It’s the best for long runs. See if I can find a pic of mine

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Re: Regular Season 2021

Postby Duck Engr » Tue Mar 01, 2022 12:49 pm

That'd be cool to see, thanks. Although my long runs tend to be "active" long runs, in and out of the throttle, but there are long stretches.

Anyway, here are the pics, including the exhaust gasket I saw on the floor once i had the exhaust bolted back on...




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Re: Regular Season 2021

Postby Deltaman » Tue Mar 01, 2022 1:47 pm

Glad you noticed the gasket!!!!!!
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Re: Regular Season 2021

Postby Duck Engr » Thu May 19, 2022 8:49 pm

Duck Engr wrote:
Dog(s): Legh, a day shy of her tenth birthday. Another driving factor of dragging myself out of bed was Legh’s age. With labs, much past ten years, you don’t know what kind of shape they’ll be in come the next fall. Wanted to get her another one in while she is still pumped to do it.

This note in the log has unfortunately prognosticated the events of the last couple of days. Night before last I noticed Legh was drooling a little with some slight foam around her mouth. Had a little twitch on the left side of her face. It didn’t last long and she bounced right back to her normal self in short order. Sent a video to my vet and he said he thought she was post seizure, and to bring her in first thing for blood work. We went to bed like normal, with her at the foot of the bed. At 3 am I woke up to her having a major seizure in the bathroom. She’d been in there a while based on the pool of drool on the floor (that nearly caused yours truly to bust his ass). I got her calmed down a little but she was still showing some twitches. 30 minutes later she had another one, then started having them closer together, though not as severe as the first. Called my vet at 4 and he met me at the clinic and sedated her. Body temp was 107. She did pretty good the rest of the day, even picking up her head some, but doesn’t seem to have use of her back end. Left her there overnight with no problems but she had another seizure at 1015 this morning. Brought her home this evening so she’d be comfortable on her bed and she’s sleeping beside me as I type. Blood work came back fairly normal. Waiting on results of thyroid test. Will take her back first thing in the AM. Vet thinks he’s narrowed it down to either a tumor or epilepsy. Tumor is obviously terminal and epilepsy will be treated just like we’re doing now, so we opted against an mri.

Sure am glad to have dragged my tired, sick tail out of bed for what might’ve been her last hunt back in January. Would’ve kicked myself for years if I’d skipped it.
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Re: Regular Season 2021

Postby Rick » Fri May 20, 2022 4:01 am

Always sorry to hear such news and wishing her a gentle path.
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Re: Regular Season 2021

Postby Deltaman » Fri May 20, 2022 8:26 am

Good Luck DE, and hoping for the best outcome!
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Re: Regular Season 2021

Postby Duck Engr » Fri May 20, 2022 10:07 pm

Thanks for the kind words fellas and a gentle path it was. She passed away sometime overnight as I slept on the floor beside her. She’d never have won any titles or competed for best retriever, but she far exceeded any expectations I ever had for her as a retriever and especially a companion when my then girlfriend and now wife brought her home from the pound at 7 weeks old. We learned a lot about retriever training together and she prepared me for being a parent by teaching me something I’ve lacked all of my life, patience.

I loaded her up one last time this morning and took her to the farm to bury her. Right after I stopped the truck and got out a drake wood duck got up off of the pond and gave us a little fly by right over the top. Sure was a fitting end to a life well lived.
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Re: Regular Season 2021

Postby Rick » Sat May 21, 2022 3:49 am

Couldn't ask for more than that. My condolences to all who loved her.

(Most of mine have been buried in places that were special to them and all, of course, in my heart. But I've come to believe the best memorial is how they've taught us to treat the next to share our lives.)
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Re: Regular Season 2021

Postby Deltaman » Mon May 23, 2022 8:33 am

I'm sorry for your loss DE, and know that she felt your love until the end.
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Re: Regular Season 2021

Postby Darren » Mon May 23, 2022 8:46 am

Very sorry for your loss, hang in there.

"We learned a lot about retriever training together and she prepared me for being a parent by teaching me something I’ve lacked all of my life, patience."

Yep ^^
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Re: Regular Season 2021

Postby DComeaux » Wed May 25, 2022 11:22 am

Duck Engr wrote:Thanks for the kind words fellas and a gentle path it was. She passed away sometime overnight as I slept on the floor beside her. She’d never have won any titles or competed for best retriever, but she far exceeded any expectations I ever had for her as a retriever and especially a companion when my then girlfriend and now wife brought her home from the pound at 7 weeks old. We learned a lot about retriever training together and she prepared me for being a parent by teaching me something I’ve lacked all of my life, patience.

I loaded her up one last time this morning and took her to the farm to bury her. Right after I stopped the truck and got out a drake wood duck got up off of the pond and gave us a little fly by right over the top. Sure was a fitting end to a life well lived.

So sorry for your loss..... This is heavy on my mind now with my Ellie. I'm planning take her out this season but know her ability will be limited. Her heart is there but the body can't follow.
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Re: Regular Season 2021

Postby Ducaholic » Thu May 26, 2022 4:24 pm

It’s always sad to hear when a companion is lost. Sorry you had to experience it DE. My Moonpie is 10. I dread the day.
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