

Postby jrock75 » Wed Sep 01, 2021 12:35 pm

Been reading all your posts here for years (I guess decades dating back to SDH) and want to get into the habit of logging my hunts as well. I grew up hunting the NELA rice, WMAs and Refuges and still do every Christmas. Over time I have also had leases in NETX and Grand Chenier when I lived in Dallas and Lafayette respectively. For the last 10 years I have lived in Houston and today I hunt three different properties east of Houston on the west, east, and south sides of of Anahuac refuge. Mix of rice, moist soil, freshwater marsh, and brackish/salt marsh.

Hopefully the tropics continue in our favor, but it is shaping up to be the first dry teal opener we have had in at least 5 years. Have had plenty of rain but just soaking, not flooding type. Widgeon grass looks really strong in the marsh ponds. Most of the rice in our area had to be replanted due to cold or got planted late so there has been very little harvested to date which is odd. Similar to South LA most everyone here tries to get the rice out before hurricane season and many try for a ratoon. The cut rice is usually the BWT magnet so it sucks that we have lost some of our most productive historical blinds but it will be interesting to see how thick they are in the other areas without that usually easy food source.

Blinds are brushed, fields and moist soil units are mowed and water is pumping. Saw 8-10 flocks of 5-50 early Sunday morning drinking coffee at the lodge and am excited to see what is out there this weekend if we are holding new water.
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Re: Preseason

Postby Duck Engr » Wed Sep 01, 2021 1:46 pm

Awesome write up jrock! Thanks for that and I look forward to reading your posts as your season progresses.
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Re: Preseason

Postby Rick » Wed Sep 01, 2021 2:00 pm

Welcome aboard. Seeing numbers of teal on your leases has to be encouraging.
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Re: Preseason

Postby Deltaman » Wed Sep 01, 2021 2:08 pm

Welcome jrock75!!!
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Re: Preseason

Postby BGkirk » Wed Sep 01, 2021 8:32 pm

Nice to have some reports from your area.
Have always been curious how it compares to SWLA

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Re: Preseason

Postby Darren » Thu Sep 02, 2021 9:38 am

Looking forward to the reports, welcome
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Re: Preseason

Postby DComeaux » Thu Sep 02, 2021 11:37 am

Nice to have more to read....... Welcome.
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