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Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Sun Mar 12, 2023 6:14 pm
by Ricky Spanish
As you go to sleep tonight whisper to yourself that "my money is safe in the bank".
Tomorrow is bloody Monday or is it?
Will see tomorrow and by friday for sure we will know..
Sleep well everyone.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Sun Mar 12, 2023 6:33 pm
by Ricky Spanish
Every so often we get a boat engine discussion going and the subject of ethanol free gas comes up.

We went thru extremes to buy ethanol free gas and right away a certain guy's engine quit.
Think it had water in it?

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2023 4:38 am
by Anotherone
Eventually we’ll succumb to the gubment and drive electric. Sad times ahead.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2023 5:56 am
by Ricky Spanish
Anotherone wrote:Eventually we’ll succumb to the gubment and drive electric. Sad times ahead.

Speaking of wasting energy....
Ordered two rhino reels from Amazon.
One is here in town and the other got sent to California to get some internet.

For once a serious question.
What flavor and size braided line do you like?
My rods with braided line got stolen and I can't remember what's on them. Braided spider wire I think but is it 20# test? What the hell is that?


Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2023 6:16 am
by Anotherone
This stuff will reel in logs:

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2023 6:28 am
by Ricky Spanish
Anotherone wrote:This stuff will reel in logs:

Couple years ago I hooked onto a massive flathead that was too big to get into my boat so I just cut the line.
That fish had to be 4 feet long and I estimate it was probably a 20 pound fish.
I'm pretty clueless about fishing it should be funny to watch and criticize my adventures.
However I do it all in June for catfish.
Cast net for shad. Trotlines and big cats.
I like the channel cats.
Eventually I'll go do that too.
I like fish but she wants walleye, not catfish.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2023 6:36 am
by Ricky Spanish
Ok I looked up your log line...
What is ULT-PE?

I thought it was some space age polymer or something.
After trying to cut it with your teeth once ... :lol:
That line will get you to put a pair of scissors in the box.

Speaking of box...
Look at all the goodies in this one.
An old man gave it to me.
It's loaded. There's a de-liar in it.
The hook
Antique lures.

If you don't know what a de-liar is Zebco made a fish scale with a tape measure in it.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2023 6:41 am
by Anotherone
Flatheads are fine eating like channels and small blues. Down here we call flatheads, Opelousas cats. We catch 12” channel catfish using gumbo shrimp tails on the bottom, fill up an ice chest in False River during the summer.
Oh yeah that Sunline braid is tough shit, probably winch your boat onto the trailer with it. I still prefer regular old 17lb Stren monofilament for all my bait casters. My spinning reel has 8 lb monofilament.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2023 6:46 am
by Ricky Spanish
Anotherone wrote:Flatheads are fine eating like channels and small blues. Down here we call flatheads, Opelousas cats. We catch 12” channel catfish using gumbo shrimp tails on the bottom, fill up an ice chest in False River during the summer.
Oh yeah that Sunline braid is tough shit, probably winch your boat onto the trailer with it. I still prefer regular old 17lb Stren monofilament for all my bait casters. My spinning reel has 8 lb monofilament.

I like casting a lot and use them cheap zebco reels that twist plastic line up.
Once I tried braided I'm not going back.
Don't fish much but in may ill get out after bass.
It's easy to catch them then.
I can catch flatheads out the ass on cut shad in June.

I tend to clean the flathead cats and give them to this family down the street.
They are always happy to see me.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2023 3:54 pm
by Ricky Spanish
We are what we eat.
This should be interesting to us all.
Hunters eat meat that's wild and picky about what it eats.
This video illustrates how our food is being made less nutritious and how that affects us.
Pay attention.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2023 5:03 pm
by Ricky Spanish
Figured I'd watch a few fishing videos filmed where I hunt.

It's not hard to figure out where this was done.
I had no idea there were so many ppl fishing here in the worst place to

They even said where they were catching them at.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2023 6:37 pm
by Ricky Spanish
I have to dig up this one just to look at the girl.

No doubt about her gender.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Tue Mar 14, 2023 6:38 am
by Ricky Spanish
They go on the front...
I've never heard them called wipers.
The first one I caught a gw took

Too small to keep and I had no clue what exactly it was.
If you ever hook onto one hang on.
A two pound fish will feel like it's wayyy bigger.
They fight like hell.
There's a slot limit I think.
I turn bass loose so it don't matter.

Clinton Lake and Sangchris Lake are stocked with hybrid fish like that.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Tue Mar 14, 2023 7:27 am
by Ricky Spanish
According to the internet homes in South Dakota are collapsing from the weight of snow.
Damn that has to suck.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Tue Mar 14, 2023 1:11 pm
by PorkChop
Ricky Spanish wrote:I have to dig up this one just to look at the girl.

No doubt about her gender.

Here she is


Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Tue Mar 14, 2023 3:09 pm
by Ricky Spanish
PorkChop wrote:
Ricky Spanish wrote:I have to dig up this one just to look at the girl.

No doubt about her gender.

Here she is



Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Tue Mar 14, 2023 7:35 pm
by PorkChop
Ricky Spanish wrote:
PorkChop wrote:
Ricky Spanish wrote:I have to dig up this one just to look at the girl.

No doubt about her gender.

Here she is




Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2023 5:42 am
by Ricky Spanish
PorkChop wrote:
Ricky Spanish wrote:
PorkChop wrote:
Ricky Spanish wrote:I have to dig up this one just to look at the girl.

No doubt about her gender.

Here she is




There is a controversy surrounding the identity of the sloopy girl. Usually I wade out into controversy but since you're the site authority on old ladies.

Some day some 19 year old punk kid is going to point out how old you are. It's going to really sting.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2023 5:59 am
by PorkChop
Yep there is controversy about another chick that was one of the band members wife and another lady. It has been confirmed they were not the sloopy chick.

I have no problem with people pointing out how old I am. Death is a certainty! I’ve always said once people come to grips with this your life will be 100% better. It’s sad when you see elderly come to the realization that they are going to die. It’s almost like they lived most of their life thinking that death was just a joke and it wasn’t true. This is why so many people went crazy with Covid. People are scared to die. And when people fear death they start acting crazy. People that embrace the fact that they are going to die Didn’t go nuts with the Covid craziness. One way or another you were going to die so keep on living until that day. Don’t lock yourself inside and don’t avoid people. It’s sad to think how many people died alone because of the Covid scare.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2023 6:24 am
by Ricky Spanish
PorkChop wrote:Yep there is controversy about another chick that was one of the band members wife and another lady. It has been confirmed they were not the sloopy chick.

I have no problem with people pointing out how old I am. Death is a certainty! I’ve always said once people come to grips with this your life will be 100% better. It’s sad when you see elderly come to the realization that they are going to die. It’s almost like they lived most of their life thinking that death was just a joke and it wasn’t true. This is why so many people went crazy with Covid. People are scared to die. And when people fear death they start acting crazy. People that embrace the fact that they are going to die Didn’t go nuts with the Covid craziness. One way or another you were going to die so keep on living until that day. Don’t lock yourself inside and don’t avoid people. It’s sad to think how many people died alone because of the Covid scare.

Have any problems with people pointing out the opposite?
Some old geezer might try and get critical about youth and inexperience...
Pull a Reagan. :lol:

Covid schmovid ...
I think I went thru a day or two of fear ...had lysol out washing doorknobs and light switches. :)
After listening to the experts tripping over their own dicks by changing their story constantly I decided I'm an ag worker and ignored all mandates.
Death ain't scary after you've defied it a few times. that's some scary shit man. Was awful I'd rather not repeat it.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2023 6:59 am
by Ricky Spanish
How much time do you spend on your dogs?
I'll take millet out twice a day for ten minutes at a time.
Keeps him wanting more.
In the morning he sits there staring at me trying to trigger it. Same thing at an hour after feeding.
He knows his schedule and forces me to keep doing it.
Just got done on the morning thing. I run him enough to get him panting for about twenty min.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2023 7:14 am
by PorkChop
I have no problem with people pointing out the opposite! But as I’m sure you could imagine people can get very upset when you remind them they will someday die. I can’t remember the exact wording but if I remember after Lent I will post the video. basically the guy says it’s better to live for only 30 years living a life of adventure than living 100 years sitting in the corner being scared.

I remember one time at a party in Alaska I was 28 years old and I called a guy in his mid-40s an old man. It was something along the lines of what’s up old man. This guy was so bent out of shape that we ended up leaving. You could tell that even though he was only in his mid-40s he felt like his days were numbered. 40s and 50s is still very young and God willing you have many years of life. Obviously at 50 years old now I can see old age taking its toll especially with a bum hip and back problems. It slows me down but I’m not in some Deep despair feeling like the end is near. I make the proper adjustments and I just keep on living and pressing forward and doing my best to enjoy my life. I’m so excited for my hip surgery. I’m positive I will be hitting the gas and living even more!

I realize that’s a positive attitude and it’s amazing how a positive attitude can really rub people the wrong way. In fact some people literally want to fist fight you at times if your attitude is too positive

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2023 7:18 am
by Deltaman
"It’s sad to think how many people died alone because of the Covid scare."

Lost one of my best friends to Pancreatic Cancer during the Covid scare, and because they would not allow visitors, he died alone in a hospital room, very sad deal!

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2023 8:24 am
by Ricky Spanish
He has a speeling problem like me when it comes to double leeters. :lol:

Hehe that should mess up your heads a little

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2023 9:33 am
by PorkChop
Deltaman wrote:"It’s sad to think how many people died alone because of the Covid scare."

Lost one of my best friends to Pancreatic Cancer during the Covid scare, and because they would not allow visitors, he died alone in a hospital room, very sad deal!

Very sad deal I am sorry that you were not able to go visit your friend and that nobody else could. It makes me sick thinking about these stories.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2023 9:39 am
by Ricky Spanish
This is what I saw. They had 15,20,30,40, and 50.
Grabbed a 15. Damn this stuff is thin.
300 yards for 14 bucks.
The opener for trout is 4-1.
Turn the grandkids loose and see which one falls in first.

Bizarre but the state trout people release fish in a local park pond here. Perfect opportunity for them kids.
Logan can spend the night then we go get his little brother at around 430am...should be a trip.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2023 9:51 am
by Ricky Spanish
This looked like something a kid would want to try.
Once they graduate to snagging limbs from the boat stage ...

Fun stuff

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2023 10:33 am
by Anotherone
That black/chartreuse will boat the crappie fo sho. That’s my go to color tube jig.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2023 3:55 pm
by Ricky Spanish
Illinois' dumbfuck website is set up to sell you a last years license. It even warns you about it and "no refund" is in red.
I guess you have to wait until April first.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2023 4:26 pm
by Anotherone