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Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Sat Apr 08, 2023 8:56 am
by Anotherone
Not rusty yet, but definitely identifies as a POS 4x4. Burns just as much oil as gas, what a raggedy ass truck option I chose years ago.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Sat Apr 08, 2023 8:59 am
by Anotherone
Ricky Spanish wrote:
Anotherone wrote:What’s cooking on the grill in that camp pic?

Looks like a strip but usually I splurge and get ribeyes.
Sometimes pork steaks. I'm going to have to rethink the whole eating off the bow of my boat now that I've admitted that Millet uses it like his outhouse. :o's meat.
I don't think Milo will be around much longer.
The old dog can barely move some days.
Ill search for better shots so gock5 has something to post

Give Milo some Dynobyte or whatever they claim brings old dogs back to younger times.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Sat Apr 08, 2023 9:02 am
by Ricky Spanish

I zee eeguls n chit a lot

1-22-2022 was a nice day.
Wood duck poppers for dinner.

That is not bucket poop hanging from the tree. Not sure what's going on's Arkansas the natural state.


Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Sat Apr 08, 2023 9:05 am
by Anotherone
That’s what I’m talking about! Duck bombs in camp!

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Sat Apr 08, 2023 9:08 am
by Anotherone
Dean Rojas says you need this when you fish those lily pads in Clinton lake this summer.
SPRO flapping frog:

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Sat Apr 08, 2023 9:09 am
by Ricky Spanish
Anotherone wrote:That’s what I’m talking about! Duck bombs in camp!

Yeah that's the best.
I spent my youth dreaming of kill n cook sort of things.
It's bittersweet when you're there alone and nobody to share it with except the dog.
My dogs know that spot well.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Sat Apr 08, 2023 9:11 am
by Anotherone
Dogs are better company anyway.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Sat Apr 08, 2023 9:11 am
by Ricky Spanish
Anotherone wrote:Dean Rojas says you need this when you fish those lily pads in Clinton lake this summer.
SPRO flapping frog:

Clinton only has a couple little patches.
Sanchris on the other hand...
If you want to blast and cast that's the place in late October might even hook onto a big assed hybrid striper.
Sounds sexy.
There are some good fishing videos of sanchris on YouTube. Sangchris is correct spelling I think

Been patterning the fish at Clinton and it's not hard.
1. Drive around until there are shad hopping in your wake.
2. You notice that you never find any in the sun.

So use the cast net in the shade.
You can throw it all day in the sun and all you get is sunburn. Set up the trotlines and go fish in the shade for bass.
Some day I'll catch a feesh

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Sat Apr 08, 2023 9:14 am
by Anotherone
Can you shoot teal on Sanchris?

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Sat Apr 08, 2023 9:26 am
by Ricky Spanish
Anotherone wrote:Can you shoot teal on Sanchris?

I'm not sure buy why not?
I used to get into big wads of teal way back when I was like 28. They'd fly around the entire marsh at the fish hook at Shelbyville. They'd tease each blind-site and get shot at a lot but I was clueless, they were clueless, and a whole lot of that.
Those days ended when this dumbass state focused on inclusion and wokeness and started spending all its budget on handicapped access and not one nickel for maintaining what they had.
I cut my teeth there and today it's so poorly managed that there ain't no ducks.
They don't let the water out so nothing grows there at all.

I'd have to go see sanchris before suggesting any sort of thing there.
They do daily drawings, you pick a site, and go hunt it.

They used to have certain inland areas at sanchris planted and flooded as a refuge for ducks. If it's anything like it was I'd say let's go but I'm betting they built a new million dollar handicapped blind and not one nickel for maintaining the refuge right.
We hates it... gollum

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Sat Apr 08, 2023 9:36 am
by Ricky Spanish
Historically the very best public duck hunting in illinoiz was at Carlyle Lake walk ins.
I have no clue if that's being maintained right but assume it is. They have a large active waterfowl community there.
Second I think would be the banner marsh but I've not went there since I was in college...1900's.
Another spot steeped in history is Sanganois.
Some poacher guy wrote a book...

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Sat Apr 08, 2023 9:42 am
by Ricky Spanish
Anotherone wrote:Not rusty yet, but definitely identifies as a POS 4x4. Burns just as much oil as gas, what a raggedy ass truck option I chose years ago.

Not bad mine is starting to have a nice exhaust leak rumble. Afraid to look at the MANifold bolts you know it's busted one or two.
How did woke miss manifold they need to fix that. :lol:
And how did they miss "miss". :lol:

Fuck it I'll just get another one.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Sat Apr 08, 2023 10:20 am
by Anotherone
Buffalo gnats are terrible around here, hey did someone mention dandelions?

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Sat Apr 08, 2023 10:50 am
by Ricky Spanish
Anotherone wrote:Buffalo gnats are terrible around here, hey did someone mention dandelions?

So that's what them tiny black gnats that bite are called.
Am waiting on a ten year old and his little brother to get dressed.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Sat Apr 08, 2023 10:56 am
by Anotherone
Gone fishing?

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Sat Apr 08, 2023 11:00 am
by Ricky Spanish
Anotherone wrote:Gone fishing?

Yeah it was traumatic.
The crowd there is sort of parasitic and pretty quick we got the heebie jeebies n split.
Literally going , " whew we made it" on the way out.
Might hit the lake today it's actually nice and it's like another world there.

Keep in mind that across the street from the park with the trout is "little somalia".
I sort.of forgot that until it was in our face.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Sat Apr 08, 2023 11:08 am
by Anotherone
The Somalians are targeting choupique, or at least they do down here. Gaspergou are on their radar too.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Sat Apr 08, 2023 11:11 am
by Ricky Spanish
Anotherone wrote:The Somalians are targeting choupique, or at least they do down here. Gaspergou are on their radar too.

They all gangsta n chit.
And then you turn the corner and it's all Congolese speaking swahili.
Pretty much

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Sat Apr 08, 2023 11:13 am
by Anotherone
Damn, this fishing hole sounds more interesting than this forum. I need to visit.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Sat Apr 08, 2023 12:53 pm
by Ricky Spanish
Anotherone wrote:Damn, this fishing hole sounds more interesting than this forum. I need to visit.

Lil porgies is just down the street.
Get beer at service liquor then BBQ and go watch the show.
Funkytown is a weird place.
We were the there about an hour and nobody caught any fish at all. Fuck it.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Sat Apr 08, 2023 1:26 pm
by Ricky Spanish
According to this I should be heading west now to hit the best fishing time.
But they don't know me I do what I want.
Gotta get Casey's pizza, queso chips, and an A&W root beer for the kid or he won't go fishing. :fishing:
He picked up trash so why not.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Sat Apr 08, 2023 4:22 pm
by Ricky Spanish
We tried fishing. Casting is something he's learning.
No fish yet.
We tried but not that hard.
It's Casey's time.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Sat Apr 08, 2023 5:33 pm
by Ricky Spanish
Man some freaky stuff goes on over in the brush along the edge of the bee yard.
We found a lot of whiskey bottles.
Tequila and them fireball bottles galore.
Then the big rubber dildo and ...ugh.
Nasty things going on at night in the hood.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Sun Apr 09, 2023 6:50 am
by Ricky Spanish
Look who found a friend.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Sun Apr 09, 2023 6:51 am
by Anotherone
Good times.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Sun Apr 09, 2023 7:28 am
by Ricky Spanish
The streets around here are covered in dead possums.
The house next door to my north has a huge tunnel under it. Owner thought her dog did it so it was OK UNTIL mama possum came out covered in babies.
It looks like a possum war zone out on the street.
Massive casualties.
Ahahahaha my chickens been attracting them from all over the city.
Uh will investigate.
Hope they don't figure it out.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Sun Apr 09, 2023 7:37 am
by Anotherone
Buzzards gotta eat, worms too.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Sun Apr 09, 2023 7:40 am
by Ricky Spanish
Anotherone wrote:Buzzards gotta eat, worms too.

They were feasting on something by the lake yesterday.
Logan: what kind of birds are those".
Me: "bad birds we don't shoot".

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Sun Apr 09, 2023 7:59 am
by Ricky Spanish
Here's how to scout with a map.
Look for features like this...
See the chute?
It's like a beaver run that's ancient...

On the sides of a feature like that...surrounding it is shallow kicking water kind of hunting.
There are many of them chutes and most of them are beaver runs. You end up.pushing your boat in and then on the way out you jump gobs of greenheads because they're hole shy and hide in the woods in areas like pictured.
You won't see anyone give real tips like this.
Get a topo map of where you hunt.
Now get out there and find them ducks.

Most of the trick to scouting is figuring out where to not even bother looking.
Focus on topographical features and it gets easier.
Ducks do it too.

113 is on a hump.
I suspect it's overgrown and not even a hole anymore. The woods are dynamic.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Sun Apr 09, 2023 8:15 am
by Ricky Spanish
It took me ten years to figure it out but the day that the agfc pulls the plug on the wma, January 29th, the beavers go crazy.
They start damming up every beaver run to hold water on the wma. They try anyway.
Come fall and the first few days before season we are out there destroying the dams so water can get in and we can use boats for access.
One good dam can fuck up your day all the way until tomorrow. After a few years you get to know the woods and what all is going on with the ducks and why.
Its not easy at all.
After a while it hits you how water coming in or going out matters too.
Now if you want better tips you need to go hunt at Dave Donaldson WMA for about 20 years.
The learning curve there is extremely steep plus the locals are as unhelpful as you can imagine.
That's upper echelon stuff going on at DD.
Big Lake is baby shit in comparison.