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Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Sun May 14, 2023 10:04 pm
by OGblackcloud
Mowin my yard is still aways out around here we had rain most of the day . Things are starting to green up though , Cotton wood tree is starting to drop its sappy buds :oops:

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2023 5:51 am
by Ricky Spanish
Eventually the cut grass mulch turns brown and makes it where I water less.
Sharing stuff like this really burns up the haters. They find the flaws. So many flaws in an imperfect world.

Poor fellas have no lives at all.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2023 7:09 am
by Ricky Spanish
Bootlip is lurking...uh oh.
They don't know it yet but Bootlip and Pork Chop are extremely similar in appearance.
Could be brothers.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2023 11:13 am
by Jimmy
Ricky Spanish wrote:Poor fellas have no lives at all.

Say's the guy that stares at his phone all day typing for attention.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2023 3:07 pm
by Ricky Spanish
The new code:
If you use the word "log" in a thread title it won't need a pussy mod to watch over it.
No log threads about wooden tree logs please.
This one little rule might help.

It goes at about the #10 spot behind "keep your hands out of the pickle jar".
Fucking pussies need protection from contrary opinions.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2023 7:58 pm
by uncle Jed
Jimmy wrote:
Ricky Spanish wrote:Poor fellas have no lives at all.

Say's the guy that stares at his phone all day typing for attention.

yup...babbles to himself all day long :lol:still trying to make sense of himself

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Tue May 16, 2023 7:01 am
Ricky Spanish wrote:WTF?
Bootlip is lurking...uh oh.
They don't know it yet but Bootlip and Pork Chop are extremely similar in appearance.
Could be brothers.

Have you lost your fucking mind?? :fishing:

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Tue May 16, 2023 7:16 am
by Ricky Spanish
You're twinkies but I can't decide which is uglier.
I never had a mind to lose.
Post something funny or brag about your new addition...something.
Show us one of them gigantic bass fishes that are caught routinely at the legendary lake you fish at.
Cmon...get krunk up in here.

Somehow I think I'd bet on bootlip in a shooting contest between you two. I dont get impressed by guns and shooting but you pulled it off.
Put the money on BOOTLIP.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Tue May 16, 2023 7:35 am
by Ricky Spanish
Every other Friday she gets a big dose of chemo then is sent home with a little purse pump thing that continues to pump the poison in until Sunday and it gets returned.
It's $12,000 per pop times three.
So for six weeks it's chemo.
First session no serious problems.
Well there were problems but not what you share online.
As simply as possible the chemo clogs you up for about a week. So the patient won't eat or does then regrets it.
By the next Friday things get back to normal kind of.
We were in denial it's not that bad this time.
Last time was two different chemo at a time.
And then all her hair fell out again the other day.
This aint no fun at all and I really appreciate all the love and support you guys have offered up.
Thanks for nothing.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Tue May 16, 2023 7:43 am
by Deltaman
Know it can't be easy, and she has my sympathy and prayers Mike, and you as well. Try to be strong for her, and focus on getting through this and look to the future in a positive way. Hopefully, a few months from now she will start to reap the benefit of it all. Offering up a prayer now for the both of you, hang in there!

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Tue May 16, 2023 7:47 am
by Ricky Spanish
Holy crap this picture pops up in some weird places.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Tue May 16, 2023 8:18 am
by Ricky Spanish
Damn lying assed meteorologist can't even get "tomorrow" right.
They say rain and it don't.
They say sunny and it rains.
Worthless scientific waste.
Just look outside and decide.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Tue May 16, 2023 9:22 am
by Ricky Spanish
This don't look good.
Two goons with blueprints in the field I train millet in.

Sigh...I guess we use the bee yard instead.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Tue May 16, 2023 9:35 am
by Ricky Spanish
The template:
It's in here but I don't know where.
It's green.
Has the wff logo.
My picture...
Caption says "shit aunt Betty says" or something like that.
Find it and post it and I'll give whoever does it first an ass tuned croaker.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Tue May 16, 2023 10:04 am
by Ricky Spanish
It's an exciting time in the bee yard.
Have hives in process of making new queens.
It is kind of silly but it is exciting when you find you've been successful. It takes weeks so a bit of anxiety is involved too.
Bugs being buggy.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Tue May 16, 2023 1:17 pm
by Ricky Spanish
They changed the Arkansas duck season to a week later to save the trees from being flooded so much.
Sound thinking but very quickly the money people in Stuttgart got political and demanded things be returned to normal where the duck festival coincides with the opening week of the season. First split.
Like we couldn't see that coming.
The season starts the Saturday before Thanksgiving as usual this year. Can't wait

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Tue May 16, 2023 3:40 pm
by Ricky Spanish
Sixty two bucks n change for a gallon of paint?
The girl asked for my name so I asked for hers.
She wanted to see if my name was in her pooter. :lol:
I smiled and said it (her #) might be in my phone..
She said she hopes not...we all laughed...
Struck out. Got number or name.
The business world is harsh. :qh:

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Tue May 16, 2023 7:36 pm
by uncle Jed
Ricky Spanish wrote:Damn lying assed meteorologist can't even get "tomorrow" right.
They say rain and it don't.
They say sunny and it rains.
Worthless scientific waste.
Just look outside and decide.

speaking of waste, you keep mouthing :lol:

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2023 7:37 am
by Ricky Spanish
Wasn't easy getting one to stay long enough for a picture.
Lying assed duck hunters require proof of any bird sightings, kills, or state records otherwise it's just another lie posted online.

I told yuh!
I saw a bird an I'm not lyin

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2023 8:20 am
by OGblackcloud
Couple of days with sun and no rain , what a difference I may be mowin sooner than I thought

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2023 8:27 am
by Ricky Spanish
OGblackcloud wrote:Couple of days with sun and no rain , what a difference I may be mowin sooner than I thought

I waited to mow and it destroyed my 15 year old mower.
She decided to splurge on self propelled no more pushing. Pick your battles. I surrendered on this one. ;)
The only way to get a Honda mower engine was to buy a Honda mower. I wanted the Honda engine. They're good
That is about over I saw videos warning that when the old bird retired big changes would happen.
He retired and we are there. If you like the Honda mower engine shop now.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2023 11:14 am
by Ricky Spanish
This one...
I got lazy and left a stack of stuff from dead hives out hoping to catch a swarm and it worked but I didn't have time to mess with it.
A swarm in July ain't worth a fly they say...
This spring I looked and I'll be damn they're alive and have supplies.
So I restacked a little, added more boxes and the top four are all honey filled already almost to the top.
It's fixing to be a hell of a good year for honey.
Clover might be on the menu

If I get a nice prolonged period of weather with temps topping at around 85 for a couple weeks would be most excellent.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2023 4:38 pm
by Ricky Spanish
The nectar is coming in so fast that I've had a couple swarms.
One was a weak hive. Good riddance .
The other is making a fine honey crop anyway.
It happens. When a big honey maker swarms for about 3 weeks it makes even more honey because the remaining bees have no nest to maintain and all they have to do is MAKE HONEY so a swarm isn't a deal ender.
It means new queen's for the yard.
I split up the hive after a swarm..
Make multiples.
That's how it works in the bee world

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2023 5:06 pm
by Ricky Spanish
The bright side of a swarm.
A hive that I need to check weekly can be safely ignored for a month. The same goes for any splits.
Life goes on.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2023 6:43 pm
by Ricky Spanish
Tonight I went and mowed. I've got empty hives all over the yard and one suddenly has bees in it.
I think one of the swarms moved in.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2023 6:19 pm
by OGblackcloud
Rain all day again . Sun is just now starting to peek out from the clouds and Canadian fire smoke

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2023 6:48 am
by Ricky Spanish
Yesterday I got all the mowing done.
Lost phone and assumed the worst we were searching the yard for bits of phone.
Was racking my memory...
I bent down to hook trailer to mower...check there. Nope.
Finally I remembered oh yeah I got chased by a bee and took off running maybe that's where...yup.
You guys almost had a 3 or 4 day time off from my ramblings. Ha! I found the phone. suffer!

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2023 6:54 am
by Ricky Spanish
The honey flow is epic and the Clover isn't even started yet. I've had hives with 5 supers run out of room and swarm. Other beekeepers are having the same issues.
It came in so fast. It smells good.
I've given up on swarm control let them.

They make even more honey afterwards.
I'm putting wheels on the extractor pallet.

Yesterday I put SIXTHS on.
Six supers is 15 gallons. Wow
Hey someone that's good at maff. What's $70 × 15?

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2023 7:09 am
by Ricky Spanish
This is a "bee escape". Sitting next to a Zero centurion elite double-knot spy case. :lol:
The bee escape is a one-way out device used to clear supers of bees. The yellow part goes down.
At night bees naturally go downward into the nest to keep it warm. The escape keeps them down so you can pull the honey. It will not be long. I'm loaded with nectar that's ripening. Takes time.

Ill put the escapes on in the afternoon then return the next morning for the honey.

Re: Paging Ricky Spanish

PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2023 8:07 am
by Ricky Spanish
Hahahaha...funny and I feel sorry for Stan and all you other lgbtq Ford drivers. :lol: