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Is there an epidemic of wanton waste amongst waterfowlers?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2022 7:44 am
by Peanutman
Ive been waterfowl hunting about 20 years and I was taught if you kill it, respect it by eating it. Over the last 6-8 years I have lived on the move formy trade so Ive been hiring guides wherever i happen to be vs attempting to lug gear around in an RV.

I hunted 4 days last week with a young guide in Michigan and was shocked when we killed 20 geese and not one man wanted to take them to eat. I asked, are your freezers full? Why don't you want your meat. Response was heads shaking, we dont eat that. To say I was taken aback was an understatement. I didnt say anything other I thought that was weird, but to each there own.

This is literally a crime: wanton willful waste of wildlife.

Is this common practice now?
Have we become so sorry in the kitchen we cant make our wild fowl palatable? Or is the waste driven by social media?
My guide was seemingly obsessed with photographs of big piles of birds for instagram. I get it for marketing but wrong is wrong in my opinion.

What is the communties take?

Re: Is there an epidemic of wanton waste amongst waterfowler

PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2022 8:46 am
by Pennydog1
todays hunting culture seems to lean twoards pile pictures and bragging rights this is wrong and really sad ,i dont believe in wasting game of any kind ,if im not going to eat it or share it im not just killing it for pictures i for one respect and cherish the privledge of hunting.

Re: Is there an epidemic of wanton waste amongst waterfowler

PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2022 9:17 am
by Ricky Spanish
Oh boy. Twenty geese.
No on the wasting. I'd eat them. Makes good jerky.
We can argue about the leg meat later. ;)

Re: Is there an epidemic of wanton waste amongst waterfowler

PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2022 9:33 am
by Peanutman
Not arguing the leg meat thing at all. Just when zero effort is made to use the birds i think its awful.

Re: Is there an epidemic of wanton waste amongst waterfowler

PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2022 2:53 pm
by Duck Engr
Peanutman wrote:Just when zero effort is made to use the birds i think its awful.

Most if not all on this forum will agree with your statement here.

Re: Is there an epidemic of wanton waste amongst waterfowler

PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2022 3:06 pm
by Rick
Curious if "Peanutman" is a tribute to the USFWS undercover agent?

When I moved down here, a lot of folks thought me the new "peanutman," so it's safe to assume I'm with you on wanton waste, even though I wasn't that.

Re: Is there an epidemic of wanton waste amongst waterfowler

PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2022 3:43 pm
by Peanutman
No Im the Peanut Man because I used to own/ operate a business selling boiled peanuts, homemade jerky, pickles, jams and jellys and fresh wild catfish.

Re: Is there an epidemic of wanton waste amongst waterfowler

PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2022 5:11 pm
by Ricky Spanish
Hehe... :lol: