First shotgun?

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First shotgun?

Postby Ricky Spanish » Fri May 19, 2023 9:25 am

I somehow ended up with it and then gave it to my brother. The first gun I hunted with was a bolt action Montgomery ward 410.
The second was a Winchester model 1897 16 gauge.
Finally my old man bought us nicer guns.
My first new shotgun was a 12 gauge Remington wingmaster. He didn't skimp.
I still have the Winchester and wingmaster.
What fancy shooting piece did your daddy trust you to not shoot him with?

I stole this topic off the fuge. ;)
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Re: First shotgun?

Postby Deltaman » Fri May 19, 2023 12:47 pm

1920's Winchester 2 1/2" bolt action single shot .410. Had to pull a knob on the back of the breech out to cock it. It has now been passed down thru a couple of generations of sons and nephews, with the youngest male passing it down to the next as he upgraded. With several brothers and a sister, all have kids, it has changed hands many times.
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Re: First shotgun?

Postby SpinnerMan » Fri May 19, 2023 12:56 pm

My grandfather had 4 girls. My mom, the oldest had a boy first of three, me. I was well spoiled by my grandfather as his first boy. He bought a Remington 870 .410 when I got old enough to start shooting.

When I was maybe 8 or 9, he had 2 pigeons living in the barn. Every Sunday we'd go out to visit. I'd take the .410 up and scare the pigeons. Did this for weeks. One day he told me don't take the .410, but take the 16 side by side. The pigeons went out the lower end of the barn, circled around. Came back up over the barn rood. I dropped the first one. The second one turned and bolted across the field. Dropped him with the second barrel. :o :o :o Then my fun was all over. :( No more pigeons :lol:

I got my first squirrels and a pheasant with that gun. I have it today as it was eventually passed down to me after my grandfather passed. Still use it to bust clays and even shot a couple doves with it one year.
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Re: First shotgun?

Postby Ricky Spanish » Fri May 19, 2023 3:50 pm

I was really hoping a ceratain lying assed duck hunter would post pics of an extremely beaten up and abused shotgun he uses as a boat paddle and exclaim how proud he is of it. :lol:
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Ricky Spanish
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Re: First shotgun?

Postby Rick » Fri May 19, 2023 4:19 pm

SpinnerMan wrote:When I was maybe 8 or 9, he had 2 pigeons living in the barn. Every Sunday we'd go out to visit. I'd take the .410 up and scare the pigeons. Did this for weeks. One day he told me don't take the .410, but take the 16 side by side. The pigeons went out the lower end of the barn, circled around. Came back up over the barn rood. I dropped the first one. The second one turned and bolted across the field. Dropped him with the second barrel. :o :o :o Then my fun was all over. :( No more pigeons :lol:

Pigeons took over an old barn one of my uncles owned, so he and another uncle would sometimes station themselves on either end of the barn, one under a star vent cut-out and the other under a moon vent cut-out. Then we kids would drive the birds out of those small holes, while the uncles shot "high station pigeons", Must have eventually been too efficient, because the birds were gone before we kids were old enough to shoot.

Had an ancient crack-barrel 16ga with a busted wrist on long term loan from another uncle that I fought through my teens. The first shotgun I actually owned was a 20ga Savage "Fox" B-Series I bought when I started hunting again a couple years after my service time. Shot everything from doves and quail to turkeys and deer with that 20, but somehow decided it was too light for mallards. Took a while to learn that wasn't the gun's fault.
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Re: First shotgun?

Postby 5 stand » Fri May 19, 2023 6:13 pm

First shotgun was a single barrel 410, I killed a sitting rabbit in California and my first squirrel in Arkansas also sitting on a limb, couldn't hit anything moving with that damn thing... Had a pump 410 after that for a little while and don't remember my results being any better... Moved on to a Remington model 11, 12 gauge and it was the berries... I think confidence kills birds and it was very high when I hunted with that gun... Brings back some good memories... :beer:
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Re: First shotgun?

Postby uncle Jed » Fri May 19, 2023 7:24 pm

Ricky Spanish wrote:I still have the Winchester and wingmaster.

The same 870 you couldn't give away at the fuge, no doubt :lol:
uncle Jed

Re: First shotgun?

Postby Ricky Spanish » Sat May 20, 2023 6:39 am

What you do jed is check your email when the fuge sends you an email. Go thru it and it's a list of topics so you can start an epic thread that's isn't hate filled by doing topic-theft like us cool kids do. :lol:
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Re: First shotgun?

Postby uncle Jed » Sat May 20, 2023 8:34 am

epic ? lmao. Beat like a dead horse is horse like it. lying and stealing, your character/lack of it, shines bright :thumbsup:
uncle Jed

Re: First shotgun?

Postby bluebars » Sat May 18, 2024 9:44 pm

Win 12 ga speed pump...should've kept that one
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Re: First shotgun?

Postby don novicki » Sun May 19, 2024 4:25 pm

Didn't have a Dad or Grandpa to get me going. Bought my first shotgun myself when I was 16. Savage Model 30 series C, 28" vent rib, came with case, slug barrel, and a Hoppes Cleaning Kit. 106.00 in 1970. I think the day after I got it I declared myself a duck hunter, after watching Bing and Phil tear em up on The American Sportsman.
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