Last Weekend for Snapper

Last Weekend for Snapper

Postby Deltaman » Wed Aug 03, 2016 1:46 pm

Our 9-day Federal Snapper season came and went like the tide back in June, but Alabama extended our state waters from 3 to 9 miles (like our neighbors in FL), and gave us a state season that lasted until Sunday 7/31. Got an invite Friday eve to fish Saturday afternoon, with the predicted 1' or less seas, and gave it an H to the YES on going. Made it down to Dauphin Island around lunchtime, packed up to stay the weekend at a friends new condo. Watched the radar and wind, and just before 3:00 p.m., everything was falling into place. Dropped the boat into the water, found some Pelicans diving nearby, and made several throws with a cast net to fill the live well with 6-8" pogies, before heading out into the gulf. Our spot was just under the 9-mile limit, and it was a private reef my buddy has been saving all season, just for this weekend. We took our time and made the 35 minute run, and it was a fast and furious 20 minutes, with at least one fish on most of the time. We had our 4-man limit of 8 fish, and all of them were 16-22 lbs, absolutely beautiful!

Nothing easy about cleaning big Snapper, but the outcome is flat delicious! I took a pair of lopping shears to cut out the throats of the fish, and weighed one of them out of curiosity..........1 3/4 lbs! Threw a pair of the big fillets on the charcoal grill for dinner, and I am uncertain if it gets any better. Sunday morning came and went as we watched the radar seeming to breath red/yellow/green in the area we had hoped to return to, so we did not make it out for the last day. Didn't matter, can't imagine it getting any better than it was on Saturday!
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Re: Last Weekend for Snapper

Postby Duplex Lover » Wed Aug 03, 2016 6:28 pm

Wonderful !!!!! :beer: :thumbsup:
Sky blasting again...
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