Poison Ivy

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Poison Ivy

Postby Ricky Spanish » Sun May 21, 2023 7:26 am

At boy scout camp they had an extensive list of items a camper should bring.
For poison ivy BSA (Boy Scouts of America)
recommended this.
It actually works too!
The naphtha pulls the poison oil out.
If you're allergic to poison ivy you should carry a bar of Fels Naptha soap. I didn't believe it until my grandfather and I got into it bad while cutting wood out in the woods.
I pointed at the log and said, "grampaw are we really going to just ignore all the leaves of three?
We cut up the log and I sent granny to the store for laundry soap. They thought I was nuts but I explained that the boy scouts spent much time on this topic.

My nephew wiped his ass with poison ivy leaves... :lol:
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Ricky Spanish
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Re: Poison Ivy

Postby Rick » Sun May 21, 2023 8:21 am

I'm apparently immune, but my ex- could get covered up in poison ivy blisters just looking a jeans I walked through the woods in. Went to dermatologist, tried a number of medical remedies, no luck. Then the subject came up one day while sitting on a hillbilly great aunt's porch, and she looked at us like we were stone stupid and said, "Put jewel weed on it, Child." as if everyone knew that. And damned if that wasn't the quick fix.

Grows wild in most every wet ditch in the northern and eastern US, is easily identified and applied. Crush the liquid filled, nearly translucent stalks, apply the clear juice to the ivy blisters and watch them dry up in short order. Those on the West or Gulf coasts are out of luck as far as finding it free, but there are ivy meds employing it on the net.

But, Mike, something in my lawn gives me the itches when I mow in shorts and showering with Fels has eliminated or relieved that.
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Re: Poison Ivy

Postby Ricky Spanish » Sun May 21, 2023 8:28 am

Rick wrote:I'm apparently immune, but my ex- could get covered up in poison ivy blisters just looking a jeans I walked through the woods in. Went to dermatologist, tried a number of medical remedies, no luck. Then the subject came up one day while sitting on a hillbilly great aunt's porch, and she looked at us like we were stone stupid and said, "Put jewel weed on it, Child." as if everyone knew that. And damned if that wasn't the quick fix.

Grows wild in most every wet ditch in the northern and eastern US, is easily identified and applied. Crush the liquid filled, nearly translucent stalks, apply the clear juice to the ivy blisters and watch them dry up in short order. Those on the West or Gulf coasts are out of luck as far as finding it free, but there are ivy meds employing it on the net.

But, Mike, something in my lawn gives me the itches when I mow in shorts and showering with Fels has eliminated or relieved that.

I think in a pinch you could use a rag soaked in coleman fuel. It's naptha too.

We always used jewel weed to cure stinging nettles. They grow side by side.
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Ricky Spanish
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Re: Poison Ivy

Postby Ricky Spanish » Sun May 21, 2023 4:47 pm

As a kid I figured out I don't get poison ivy even if I try.
If you wanted to fight no problem but I'd select a poison ivy patch for the battle. Not that hard it's growing everywhere.
I had mothers calling my father to tell him how viciously rotten it is to take an ass kicking in a poison ivy patch simply ro infect the Victor. :lol:
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Ricky Spanish
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Re: Poison Ivy

Postby Ricky Spanish » Mon May 22, 2023 10:35 am

When I took over lawn care for my old pappy they complained about poison ivy around this walnut tree.
They sprayed. I sprayed and it kept returning.

Finally one day I put a tree stand up to put a swarm trap and discovered "the vine".
Fuck it was 1.5 inch diameter. I looked up and (Face slap)
It grows up into trees and broadcasts seeds?
I was clueless and should have known better.
City kid.
So I cut the vine and sprayed one last time and it's gone.

My wife is so sensitive that smoke from a fire with poison ivy in it will get her. I've got it gone from here.
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Ricky Spanish
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