Nothing really earth shattering, here. I went out this morning, and there just weren't many birds that wanted to play, so I decided to take Dutch back out this evening. Not really hunting, just wanted to expose him to some new things, since he's never been in the marsh before. I had a bufflehead in the freezer, so I took that along for some practice (which is a good thing, because I didn't even see a duck this evening). He handled it pretty well. He took a couple dips, and after we sat for a while, he started getting cold, so decided to head back to the Jeep. I was happy he didn't take off, and worked pretty close to me. Was hoping he'd find a snipe or rail, but the marsh is pretty dead at the moment for some reason. The only thing he found was an old clam in a pile of seaweed. Pretty good way to spend an afternoon, though.
And any recommendations for boots? Poor fella had about 5 sandburrs in each paw between his toes. I'd rather not spend a ton of money, since I suspect I'll have to buy him another pair when he's done growing, and I'll cough up for good ones then.