Spring Bass Fishing

Spring Bass Fishing

Postby Deltaman » Mon Mar 13, 2017 8:59 am

With the full moon occurring this past Sunday, I slipped out of work last Thursday afternoon and did a solo trip, launching around 2:00 p.m. on the causeway (Mobile Tensaw Delta). Took me 2 hours to figure out where and what they wanted, but once I did, it was on! Caught a limit of 10 fish in an hour, and spent the next hour upgrading. Beautiful afternoon to be on the water, with a 15-20 mph South wind and incoming tide. Ended up with 10 fish between 1 1/4 - 3 lbs.

Saturday, my gal, Jenny, and I launched around 12:30 p.m., and noting that the water was not quite high enough, eased around to a local restaurant on the water, a Tex Mex joint called Del Rio. The margaritas were cold and the food was hot, as we sat at the upstairs bar and watched as the tide slowly covered the big sandbar due South of the causeway on Tensaw River. By 2:00 p.m., the water level had risen far enough above the grass in the bays to throw a spinnerbait, so off we went. The bite was spotty, and ti seemed the fish were hitting short, as several were caught on our trailer hooks, and I had the legs bitten off of more than one trailer. Was still a great afternoon for fishing, with 15+ mph winds out of the South and overcast. Put 16 fish in the live well before deciding to call it a day around 5:45, and had several other throwbacks. Great day to be on the water, and somewhat chilly, despite the South wind. Ran into a friend and snapped a pic of him and his fil with the 12 fish they caught teh same afternoon:

Was hoping to go back yesterday, but when I walked out of the house at daylight to get the paper, realized it wasn't gonna happen. The North wind was cranking and the cooler temps had me changing out of my shorts and flip flops :o
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Re: Spring Bass Fishing

Postby aunt betty » Tue Mar 14, 2017 11:18 am

Nice string.
I catch and release bass. The local Asians moan so loud I can hear them from 100 yards away each time I let a keeper bass go. :clap:
More into eating trotline cats and pan fish. Too dang cold to fish right now but last week would have been decent if the wind wasn't blowing so hard.
I've heard that it's incredibly stupid to fuck around with a crazy man's head.
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